Carl & Irene Clark – Navajo
Carl, Navajo jeweler of the Manygoat-Redhouse clan, is the great innovator in inlay jewelry. Descendant of one of the original Navajo smiths, Peshlakai Atsitty, Carl is the founder of the micro-fine inlay technique reminiscent of the art deco school of the 1930s.
Carl’s great innovation involves using micro-inlay to color blend a design into day and night depictions of monument valley, Navajo rugs or rainbow man Yeis. He has been featured in virtually every modern publication about Native American jewelry including the most recent books by Dexter Cirillo and Peter Schiffer. His awards are too numerous to mention and include Santa Fe Indian Market and the Heard Musuem shows. We are proud to have known Carl since the inception of his career in the early 1970s.
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