Sammie Kescoli Begay – Navajo
Sammie Kescoli Begay produces some of the most beautiful traditional and deeply stamped sterling silver jewelry to be found in Indian Country. Using heavy gauge ingot silver combined with gem grade turquoise, often supplied by us, his pieces are unusual in both quality and style. Sammie is primarily a minister to his growing congregation on the Navajo reservation. He approaches each piece he creates with the eye of a true perfectionist.
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Sammie Kescoli Begay Royston Spiderweb Turquoise Hand Pulled and Twisted Ingot Wire Bracelet Inner Circumference of Bracelet: 4-9/16 in. Bracelet Gap Size: 1-3/16 in. Bracelet Width from Center: 1-1/2 in. (and tapers...
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A striking gem from the high grade ridge of the Pilot Mountains mining district was chosen to adorn this fine ring by Sammie Begay. The Pilot Mountain claims contain a...
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Hidden Valley turquoise is among the rarest of all classic American turquoise. The claim was located somewhere in the Candelaria hills of north central Nevada. A glory hole was struck...
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A rare and gorgeous Candelaria turquoise specimen was chosen for this fine ring created by Sammie Begay. The gem is deep translucent sky blue with wispy spiderweb matrix, the classic...
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Sammie invokes olden time days with this unique buckle. Created by rolling and hammering ingot sterling silver, he pounds the design from the inside to create a reposse design. Around...
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Seven perfectly matched gems were chosen for this superb row bracelet. They are among the finest grade mined at the Peacock claim. Deep green hues and olive shades combined with...
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Navajo jeweler Sammie Kescoli Begay has created this signature masterpiece with his use of two types of exceptional turquoise from the Easter Blue and Carico Lake mines in Nevada. The...
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This classic old style row bracelet created by Sammie Begay is entirely made from triangle wire of varying gauges. The inner wires are soldered together to create a platform. Heavier...
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Navajo master ingot artist Sammie Kescoli Begay continues his tradition of creating masterpieces with this exceptional three phase bolo tie. The labor intensive ingot sterling silver is hand rolled and cut into three pieces. The first bottom layer of the piece is deeply oxidized to make the 3D effect of the design pop. The second is cut and pulled to create the distinctive ridges. The third layer is hand pounded, deeply stamped and overlayed on either side of the stone which is also encircled with a large beaded design and a hand chiseled bezel. The artist has selected an exquisite rare gem grade natural Candelaria spiderweb turquoise cabochon to set in the center of the piece. The deep blue stone exhibits an incredible amount of depth with dark vibrant reddish-brown webbing. The artist included matching gem grade Candelaria in the tips of the piece as well. The final result is the creation of an exceptional heavy gauge piece that is of the finest collector quality.
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Master ingot artist Sammie Kescoli Begay has created one of the finest bracelets of his career by selecting a jaw dropping two hundred and eighty two carat specimen of rare gem grade natural Blue Gem turquoise to set in this marvelous one of a kind creation. The gem exhibits exquisite color combinations of blue and green with complex golden-chocolate-brown host rock matrix. To find Blue Gem of this size and quality from this now depleted mine is virtually impossible. Sammie has created the piece out of labor intensive ingot sterling silver. Each design element is hand rolled, hand pulled or hand pounded, then expertly stamped using Sammie's home made tools. The finished product is a masterpiece.
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Navajo artist Sammie Kescoli Begay has hand cut six magnificent rare gem grade natural Mediterranean oxblood coral cabochons into perfect squares to set in this exquisite watch bracelet. The corals are set as rows at the opposite ends of the piece on either side. The shank is heavy hand rolled and hammered ingot sterling silver, deeply incised on the sides. Most amazing is the large sweeping shell designed to hold the watch in place. The sides of the watch are cleverly help by a wire that can be pulled for easy removal.
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Grand master Navajo silversmith Sammie Kescoli Begay has created one of the finest bracelets of his career. The piece is made through the labor intensive technique of hand rolling and hammering ingot sterling silver. Each layer of the design is hand forged and overlayed to create the bracelet. Sammie has set a one hundred and five carat rare high grade natural Number Eight turquoise of extraordinary beauty into a hand chiseled bezel. The bezel encircling the stone is surrounded by dozens of tiny droplets. Lightning patterned overlay is set against a finely etched background with two silver stars set above a floral side panel of unusual beauty. The exquisite gem is a gorgeous light blue with fine tight golden-brown webbing and chocolate matrix. Number Eight turquoise of this size is seldom if ever seen on today's market.
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Hand made by award winning Navajo artist, Sammie Kescoli Begay, this exceptional work of art is set with rare gem grade Aztec Spiderweb turquoise from Nevada. The stone contains amazing eye-catching hues of deep blue with chocolate, and deep red spiderweb matrix. This stone has a very interesting history as well. According to Frank R. Morrissey, author of Turquoise Deposits of Nevada, the Aztec turquoise mine was first discovered in 1889 by George Simmons who detected remnants of an early and primitive lapidary shop. This was thought to indicate that the miners may have been Aztecs or Toltecs. Given the quality and rarity of the turquoise, Sammie put a tremendous amount of time and effort into complimenting the beauty of the stone. Thick hand woven wire is portrayed around the bezel of each cabochon, followed by his signature intricate detail in hand rolled and hammered ingot sterling silver.
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With exceptional gem grade Easter Blue turquoise and unique ingot silver smithing this amazing piece is of very high collector quality. The item was created by award winning Navajo artist Sammie Kescoli Begay and is one of two pieces that the artist has made with this shape and style. The cabochon featured is a gorgeous deep blue with dark golden-brown, tan and green matrix. The stamp work is exquisite with extraordinary detail and is very deep as well. The bezel work is outstanding with a border of forty four sterling silver droplets.
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Inspired by the classic concho belts of the 1890's, this incredible one of a kind piece hand fabricated by award winning Navajo artist Sammie Kescoli Begay features two gem grade Carico Lake Spiderweb turquoise cabochons. The stones are each an outstanding lime-green with a flush of sky blue with tan and chocolate-brown spiderweb matrix. Sammie revives the classic tradition of hand rolling and hammering sterling silver ingot. This is a very unique and labor intensive technique.
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